Wenbo Zhang

University of California Irvine; wenbz13@uci.edu


Irvine, California, US

Welcome! I am a fourth-year Statistics PhD candidate at University of California Irvine. I am supervised by professor Hengrui Cai. Previously, I studied Biostatistics as a master student at the University of Washington. Prior to UW, I received my BSc in Applied Mathematics from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Research Interests: I have broad research interests in general machine learning. Specifically, my research interests lie in:

  • Large Language Models, e.g., uncertainty quantification, efficient and robust benchmark, RLHF, etc.
  • Reinforcement Learning, e.g. online/offline RL, causal RL, etc.

selected publications

For a complete list, see the publications page, or my google scholar page.

(*=equal contribution)

  1. JRSSB
    Interpretable discriminant analysis for functional data supported on random nonlinear domains with an application to Alzheimer’s disease
    Eardi Lila , Wenbo Zhang , and Swati Rane Levendovszky
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 2024
  2. ICML
    Towards trustworthy explanation: On causal rationalization
    Wenbo Zhang , Tong Wu , Yunlong Wang , and 2 more authors
    International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023